Saturday, September 24, 2005

Dear Owners
This is a new blog just for you.

First of all lets come up with a name for our selves.
Dennis and I call this project Gigante One. Any objections to being Gigante Uno?
I’ll run any suggestions past my neighbors so we don’t make an error like the
Chevy No... va.
The power is in and the boxes are locked and the first payments have started to come on in. Thank you Ron and James, Randy Best, and Tim and Mark Malbon.
We are keeping the payments in a separate account and Dennis has already earmarked it for the water project, which starts this week.
Now we need a watchman. Over twenty thousand dollars worth of copper wire is not safe just laying there for the taking.
I like the idea of a cheap, portable watchman’s shack for an interim period of time. I hate the idea of an outhouse but I can live with it till we get more organized.
It’s going to cost around $1200 to build the shed. We will build it in such a way that the materials will be reusable. The watchman will cost $100 a month. For 2 grand we could have a guy for the first six months. Any objections to dividing the cost just like the power and water and lets get this done this week?
Ron Stanford (of fame) and his brother James are coming this month to finalize plans to start the first house on the ridge. Tim Malbon and his brother Mark are arriving in October to finalize plans for their house on the ridge.
Once we get some boots in the mud we can build a permanent watchman’s house and plumb it.

So here a photo of one of the boxes. Pretty sexy huh?

This box is on the border of Kent Warren’s south lot and Tom and Patty’s North lot.

We tried, where possible, to place the boxes on property lines so as to share the service and keep the cost down.

Any comments?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

excellent blog for the owners. it makes charlie and I feel more connected to our land. sure do like your blog picture. I have one just like it on my wall.
technically,I feel fine about sharing the costs of establishing someone to keep an eye on things. my question is, how many ways is this $2,000 being split?
I would like to say though, that your name gigante uno (giant one), from the perspective of a female who has been around the good'ol boys of surfing for over 30 years, I sure seem to have heard alot of comments about "giant ones", and they're not talking about waves. I'm not hung up on this, but it really strikes me as a
you and denis are really pulling it together, I can feel the momentum. good work. barb

12:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure why the lot owners are being asked to help finance what should be the developers cost.

All of the projects I've seen in Nica (and I,ve spoke to several developers) never ask the lot
owners to pay for power/water/roads.

11:58 AM  
Blogger d2 said...

We building a community here and not a development. By getting everyone to share in the cost of the power and water we were able to make the lots affordable and not discourage any of the kind of people we are looking for the anchor this community. By making everyone part of the community we hope to have a better feel than a locked and gated USA style project.

5:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

bravo dale


12:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

charlie and I were wondering if the name gigante could be used along with another word or two to either suggest community, land, home etc. my spanish is not up and running yet, but something like "giants home", "giant step" (you do after all have a giant foot), jolly green giant, one giant leap(great album).
we would like to hear someother ideas.

8:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thinking of names
ran across these words that would fit well with gigante and community: fincas(small country residence), tranquilo (tranquil).
I'm not sure how they would attach to gigante, but fincas has a nice feel.

6:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm one of your neighbors in gigante dos and have a ton of questions about what's being developed in the community. the photo's of your house are exciting.
how can I get ahold of you besides this blog?
I did get one of your Nica t-shirts!

12:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just contact me via my web site:


4:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Dale,
Howzit ? What's new in Gigante Uno?
Heard there is water?

Hope all is well with you.

Tim Gumm

12:35 PM  

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