Saturday, September 24, 2005

Dear Owners
This is a new blog just for you.

First of all lets come up with a name for our selves.
Dennis and I call this project Gigante One. Any objections to being Gigante Uno?
I’ll run any suggestions past my neighbors so we don’t make an error like the
Chevy No... va.
The power is in and the boxes are locked and the first payments have started to come on in. Thank you Ron and James, Randy Best, and Tim and Mark Malbon.
We are keeping the payments in a separate account and Dennis has already earmarked it for the water project, which starts this week.
Now we need a watchman. Over twenty thousand dollars worth of copper wire is not safe just laying there for the taking.
I like the idea of a cheap, portable watchman’s shack for an interim period of time. I hate the idea of an outhouse but I can live with it till we get more organized.
It’s going to cost around $1200 to build the shed. We will build it in such a way that the materials will be reusable. The watchman will cost $100 a month. For 2 grand we could have a guy for the first six months. Any objections to dividing the cost just like the power and water and lets get this done this week?
Ron Stanford (of fame) and his brother James are coming this month to finalize plans to start the first house on the ridge. Tim Malbon and his brother Mark are arriving in October to finalize plans for their house on the ridge.
Once we get some boots in the mud we can build a permanent watchman’s house and plumb it.

So here a photo of one of the boxes. Pretty sexy huh?

This box is on the border of Kent Warren’s south lot and Tom and Patty’s North lot.

We tried, where possible, to place the boxes on property lines so as to share the service and keep the cost down.

Any comments?